
Tag: free italian music

Sardinia Rocks!

Getsemani at the Italian Cultural Institute SARDINIA ROCKS! Winners of the Italiawave Sardinia in 2008, Getsemani, will be taking the stage by storm with their particular music compositions. Hailing from Ozieri and Orani, the band comprises of Daniele Sanna (guitar), Dario Masala (bass) and Alberto Ferrero (drummer). Anything missing? The band has no voice as they believe that the lack…

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Sto pensando a te: Fill the gaps!

Sto pensando a te: Fill the gaps!

A famous Italian song to learn Italian: Sto pensando a te- Vasco Rossi Ascolta e completa la canzone ………. ……………………………….. a tementre ……………………., mentre ………….., mentre ……………….., mentre………………..………. ……………………………………a tementre ………  ……………………., quando ……………………….. tutto il giorno…………. ……………………………. a tementre ……..   ……………………… di ogni orgoglio mentre ……………… il mio destino………..  …………………………………………. a tequando …………………….. mentre ancora ………………… il tuo profumo…

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